Thursday, May 27, 2010


An oldie but a goodie excavated from the archives. Sort of makes me think of the opening scene in 2001. If I had a music player on this blog I'd put on Also Sprach Zarathusta.


Olivier said...

Yesss magnifique contre-jour

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

very good light!!

Haddock said...

Thats a lovely silhouette, and the silver lining on the clods look great.

Jeannette StG said...

Saw the full arch on your other blog - a genius of balance it is, this artwork!

Boom Nisanart said...

Look Graphic and Amazing sky watch !

Everyday Melbourne
Everyday Shot
Everyday Mr Puddy

Leovi said...

Beautiful, exquisite and wonderful light. Very good. Greetings

Jenny Woolf said...

Wow, I love the way it obliterates the sun, very clever!

Aattorney Cleveland TN said...

Awesome post. The sine is looking very nice....

Aattorney Cleveland TN