Friday, April 24, 2009

Sci Fi Arch

Yes, another silly HDR, shot just before sunset. I should have Photoshopped two moons into the sky. Take me to your leader.


Olivier said...

cela donne un résultat surprenant, superbe

PJ said...

When do the ships land? Very cool, I especially love the people in this one. I don't know that you've ever included anyone in an HDR before. Great effect.

U "R" Us AKA Captain Crowe said...

Ooooh, wacky. Looks like it's rendered in colored pencil. Wow, perfect sky for this shot.

Juergen Kuehn said...

Great job with a brilliant performance.
I have heard about HDR and now I feel compelled to learn more about this technique.

Anonymous said...

You have some beautiful photos of the arch. Very pleasing to the eye

Chuck Pefley said...

Not sure moons would make this better. I love the surreal effect you've achieved. You mentioned my tulips being "something different" and you've accomplished the same thing with this image. Extraordinary!

Btw, that tulip image you liked was made with a lowly iPhone -:) True!!

Victor said...

Definitely OTT on the HDR but it's working as intended. Cheers!